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The SAGE handbook of qualitative research

The SAGE handbook of qualitative research
Bibliographic Highlights  

The SAGE handbook of qualitative research / ed. by Norman K. Denzin, Yvonna S. Lincoln. - XVI, 766 p. ; 29 cm

ISBN - 978-1-4129-7417-2

Assunto - Investigação qualitativa; Investigação em ciências sociais


Presenting the state of the art for the theory and practice of qualitative inquiry, this landmark Handbook has been a publishing phenomenon in the human sciences since it first released in 1994. As with earlier editions, the Fourth Edition is virtually a new volume.
Representing the best thinking from top scholars from around the world, the new edition continues the book's tradition of synthesizing an existing literature, defining the present, and shaping the future of qualitative research. The editors and contributors address issues of social justice and examine how people's struggles can inform public issues and in turn be transformed into social policy. Their writings are underpinned by a critical framework, and they are committed to addressing inequalities. As with previous editions, their aim is to show how the practices of qualitative research can effect change in the world in positive ways.

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