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Documents Acquisition

Service Description

This service will provide the acquisition of documents for the Library that the members of FEUP’s community require or suggest.

How to Access this Service

The document's acquisition proposal can be made by any member of FEUP's community, preferably via the Library's Catalogue or you can also send an email or by filling in an acquisition proposal form available at the help desks

The acquisition requests are studied by the Library according to their pertinence and relevance to the interests of FEUP's community

How to proceed

To make an acquisition request via the Library's Catalogue (link is external) you should:

  1. identify yourself in the system (click Login) and access your user's area with your SiFEUP's username and password;
  2. access the "Documents Request" area;
  3. chose which type of document you wish (the form that appears is by default the "articles request" one);
  4. fill in the form with the bibliographic information (Article; Book; Dissertation; Periodical; Transcript; Report; Standard);
  5. select the "what do you want?", Acquisition and state how are you going to pay;
  6. when you click "send", a new window will pop-up stating that your request has been registered.

To make an acquisition request via email you should:

  • send an email to the following address: (link sends e-mail), proposing the acquisition of a document and justifying your interest or need;
  • give information identifying the document (title, author, publishing year, etc.)
  • give information identifying the reader (name and number of the reader - barcode)

To make an acquisition request by filling in a form you should:

  • fill in an acquisition proposal - available on every floor - for a document, justifying your interest and need;
  • the document’s information (title, author, publication year);
  • give information identifying the reader (name and number of the reader - barcode);
  • hand the form in to one of the members of the staff at the Library's help desks.
Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto
Rua Dr. Roberto Frias
4200-465 PORTO
Phone Number: +351 22 508 1442