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User Support

Service Description

This service aims at the information and guidance of the user on how services provided work and are used. It also wishes to give an effective support on the localisation, exploration and use of the information resources made available in several supports.

A floor attendant is present at every floor, in order to give support and give all the information that the user might require.

How to Access this Service

Any member of FEUP or any registered user can request this service's support.

How to proceed

Information Requests

The information requests may be submitted in any of the following ways:

  • directly to the member of staff at the help desk that exist in every floor (if the member of staff is unable to help you instantly, they will request that you fill a form in, stating your request);
  • via email to the following address:;
  • via  Trouble Ticket.

Formal Complaints

Users may submit a formal complaint to the Library by:

  • sending an email to the following address:;
  • sending a Trouble Ticket;
  • filling in a specific form - available on any help desk - and handing them in directly to the floor attendant.

Trouble-Ticket (TT)

 A trouble ticket is an information and support request or a formal complaint that the users submit via SiFEUP.

To submit a TT you should follow these steps:

  1. Identify yourself in the system, using SiFEUP’s username and password;
  2. After you are authenticated, click on  user name that is on the upper part of the page;
  3. On your personal settings that you have on the right hand side, click on the link  Trouble Tickets;
  4. Click on k Colocar TT's to report a problem:
  5. Fill in all fields, selecting the suitable options:
    • Department: SDInf – Library and Information Services
    • Problem Type: Library
    • Problem: chose the option related to the problem
    • Description: be as thorough as possible, so that the problem can be solved quickly and easily.
Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto
Rua Dr. Roberto Frias
4200-465 PORTO
Phone Number: +351 22 508 1442