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External Users

Register on the registration form.

As an institution which aims at the encouragement of scientific development, technological innovation and the dissemination of the scientific and technical information, the connection with the society and the corporate cluster is a concern to FEUP.

Wishing to fulfil these goals, FEUP's Library has many contracts of personalised service provision with external users:

    • people that were connected to FEUP in the past (former students, retired teaching and non-teaching staff, former-researchers);
    • People with no connection to the Faculty.
  • Register as a Library's user

    Services provided:

    1. consultation of the Library's Documents;
    2. Loan of documents, which you can take home to study, according to the loan regulation;
    3. Acquisition of Documents’ copies, in a strict observance of copyrights;
    4. In loco access to electronic information resources, provided by the Library (databases, scientific journals, e-books, theses, dissertations, legislation, statistic data, reference documents); 
    5. Access to the information repositories of a technologic nature, namely standards, patents, technical reports, video records, etc.
    6. Personalised support in the following areas:
      1. Development of technical competences in information research techniques. It is possible to get a certificate that awards ECTS credit units;
      2. profile definition that generates automatic response routines of selective informative contents;
      3. information research - by specialised technicians – on investigation, development and innovation projects;
      4. As PATLIB – Patent Library recognised by the European Patent Office – FEUP’s Library also provides the service to support the research on the Industrial Property area, namely the scrutiny of sectorial technological innovations and registration of the innovations by corporation.
  • Costs:


For further information, please contact:

  • the Library
  • The person responsible for the External Users Service - Teresa Oliveira Ramos - is available to provide any information needed and also personalised support to External Users.
Register on the registration form.
Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto
Rua Dr. Roberto Frias
4200-465 PORTO
Phone Number: +351 22 508 1442